Safety & Certifications

Safety Practices

It’s our leadership team that paves the way. They lead our safety program, and are responsible not only for ensuring that it’s effective, but also that it keeps improving. We’ve never been the sort to rest on our laurels. Our management team is also responsible for encouraging and cultivating a respect for and an attitude of safety forwardness in our employees.

Good safety practices might start with management, but they never end there. Our staff undergo ongoing training in health and safety, and we of course provide appropriate PPE and instructions for how to properly use and care for it. We conduct regular inspections so we can catch any unsafe working conditions or practices before people start getting hurt. And on the rare occasions where there is an accident, we immediately and thoroughly investigate for a root cause so we can develop new safety procedures to keep it from happening again.

We’re Safe and We’re Certified

We hold safety certifications and are a member of ISNetworld®. ISN® certification gives our clients some certainty and reassurance when they first start working with us and before they see for themselves how highly we value integrity in our practices because it’s a nice, standardized indication of our commitment to regulatory compliance. Learn more about our qualifications.